Online the new open access publishing project by Jonas Italia based on Open Monograph Press
"Publishing online, in the open access system therefore in a open and free way, is a way of being in the open."
Jonas Italia Publications - Mari Aperti presentation
The Jonas Italia Association, founded in 2003 by Massimo Recalcati, entrusted us with the publication of Mari Aperti with Open Monograph Press allowing anyone free access to the monographs that collect the materials of the vast research produced in the theoretical-clinical field of psychoanalytic treatment.
The association deals with the new forms of the contemporary symptom with a work on the Italian territory that produces a rich collection of publications to which Mari Aperti is added, a collection of monographs that adheres to the Directory of Open Access Books.
The choice of the Open Monograph Pressopen source software in addition to the technical solidity that allows the use of ONIX standards and the revision of the texts through peer-review therefore also becomes an ethical choice, allowing the open access publication of the collections and therefore guaranteeing Jonas Italia's vocation for the widest possible sharing of his own study materials.