TYPO3 CMS, the Enterprise-Level Open-Source Content Management System

TYPO3 is one of the best open-source CMSs currently available and offers a wide range of functionality.

The use of TYPO3 for the creation of websites and portals offers considerable advantages, among which:

  • simplicity and flexibility in the management of content, thanks to simple interfaces that do not require technical skills
  • high reliability of the system, which is used and tested by thousands of users around the world
  • simplicity and strength of the mechanisms for user management
  • simplicity of the management mechanisms for the various functions provided
  • high potential for future developments of the portal, thanks to the large amount of Typo3 extensions existing and being developed (for example: multi-language portals, multi-channel functions to convey the same content on different means such as  smartphones, palmtops, PCs, e-commerce applications, online forums, direct mailing systems, etc.).

The features of TYPO3 listed above allow to significantly reduce the ordinary and extraordinary managementcosts of the portal (editorial management of content, management of users and rights, changing the configuration of the functionalities), to reduce costs for the activation of new functionalities present among the TYPO3 extensions, and to reduce the costs for any revision of the graphics of the portal.

TYPO3 is issued free of charge with an open-source GPL license, is constantly updated and is stable and safe, thanks to to the vast community of developers distributed in over 80 countries around the world.

Certified TYPO3 Consultants in Italy

We have been TYPO3 CMS consultants in Italy since 2003. 

In April 2010, some staff members of Archimede Informatica became Certified TYPO3 Integrator.

This is how the Typo3 Association, the association that brings together the international community of TYPO3 developers, defines a TYPO3 integrator:

A "TYPO3 integrator" installs TYPO3, develops templates for websites, configures all extensions and configures the access rights for content managers.

Development of Extensions for TYPO3

Archimede Informaticadevelops extensions for TYPO3 from scratch and customizes already existing TYPO3 extensions.

The development and customization of extensions are carried out in compliance with the guidelines defined by TYPO3, so as to guarantee the quality and the compatibility of the code with the core of TYPO3.

The development and customization of extensions are necessary when there are no solutions to the client requirements among the over thousands extensions already available in the extension repository of TYPO3.

The extensions that we have developed for the TYPO3 CMS are used to manage the various aspects of the management of a website.

Cookie Law Managment is used for the technical management of European legislation relating to cookies.

Vimeo Ads Video Player is used for easily integrating Vimeo videos within TYPO3 sites.

Archimede Informatica is a Silver Member of the TYPO3 Association

Our company takes actively part in the life of the community of TYPO3 developers.

We have long been Silver Member of the TYPO3 Association, while supporting the TYPO3 community with our sponsorship.