We have updated Archives Italiennes de Biologie Journal of Neuroscience
The site of Archives Italiennes de Biologie, developed and managed by Archimede Informatica on the Open Journal System(OJS) platform, was recently updated to the new version of OJS 2.4.8
Archimede Informatica has developed and managed for over 10 years the editing system of the Pisa Universityprestigious neuroscience magazine, founded in 1882 which has included among its collaborators the Nobel Rita Levi Montalcini.
OJS has guaranteed over the years the site management and the entire process of magazine editing: from submitting articles, to approval, until publication.
Updating to OJS 2.4.8 gives the system greater security and reliability, as well as new and simpler features available to authors, auditors and editors interacting with the system.